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These young designers are hosting sustainability workshops and talks


Founded in the early 1990’s by Carry Summers and Orsola de Castro, Fashion Revolution Week is an international cross-section of designers, writers, policymakers, brands, business leaders and makers, aiming to deliver greater transparency to the fashion industry and its environmental impact.

For the first time, 50m, the new concept store in Belgravia, is hosting a series of open studio events that spotlight innovative emerging designers finding alternative ways of producing fashion. This collaboration with the British Council is just the latest example of the store connecting consumers with designers – an extension of 50m’s founding premise which aims at shedding light on manufacturing and sustainable sourcing. Below, we talk to three participating designers about what the events mean to them and why sustainability is increasingly demanded by consumers.


HERO: Why did you decide to get involved with Fashion Revolution Week? 
Congregation: It all started last year when we were introduced to Tamsin [Blanchard, co-curator of Open Studios] by one designer of the group. Between Fashion Revolution [FRW] and us, I think it’s an exchange. We are supporting FRW by taking part in events and creating workshops, while they promote and build customer awareness on what it means to consume better. As highlighted by FRW, the whole system has to change and Congregation wants to be part of the change.

HERO: What will you be doing during the week?
Congregation: We’ll be part of a pop-up at SwimXYZ for a one week nothing to buy store – this along with three other brands that the platform and Higher studio both stock. On Friday we will be activists at the Commune East rave at the Curtain Hotel and on Saturday we will end the week with two workshops hosted by 50m: an up-cycling workshop working with cycling jerseys and Styling by Child, where we invite children of all ages to take part in styling fun and artistic images.

HERO: Why do you think sustainability is such an important topic at the moment? 
Congregation: I think more than a trend it’s saying something about what the consumer wants – meaning through consumption and better and fairer use of resources.

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